Project Echelon


Project Echelon’s mission is to educate, equip, and empower US Veterans and their communities through physical activity and self discovery. A non-profit organization, Project Echelon empowers veterans through opportunities to train and compete, and be part of the larger cycling community. Through their Mentorship Program, elite racing team athletes and coaches create training and nutrition plans to help veterans get started on their road to recovery through physical activity and fitness. They also create online content to teach their unique philosophy and approach to using endurance sport to assist veterans in their journey of self discovery and emotional healing.

The Project Echelon Elite Racing team serves as the public face of Project Echelon. Racing at the US Continental level, the team’s motivation is to use their talents to shine a positive light on the veteran community. The team mentors veterans who compete in community races, gran fondos and local crits nationwide, and pursue cycling as part of connecting with a physical challenge and experiencing life in a new, healthy way.

Photo Credit: @snowymountainphotography and @projectechelonracing

Career Highlights